Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Urban Remedy

Viva Diva just welcomed our favorite juicing hot spot Urban Remedy to our neighborhood in San Rafael. Juicing has been apart of our lives for several years now, and with the accessibility of now having Urban Remedy provide it for us, makes it that much easier to keep juicing daily. We are so privileged to have this amazing healthy juice source so close, and we hope you all give it a try sometime, and see how you too will benefit from this tasty, and uber healthy way of living.

*For those of you who are not familiar with the health benefits of juicing, and juice cleanses, this is what Urban Remedy's owner Neka has to share with you:

Juicing is a great opportunity to enhance your immediate and long-term health, no matter what shape your body is in. Juicing can help you lose weight, brighten your skin and support your body in healing from injury and disease. Doing a cleanse gives your digestive system a rest, allowing your body to put the energy normally used for digestion into detoxification, recovery and healing. Juicers usually experience an influx of energy, clarity, relaxation and joy. Because you're ingesting a consistent amount of calories throughout the day, rather than in big meals, your energy levels will stabilize; i.e., no more post-lunch comas! Juicing is also a great way to strengthen your immune system and gain more nutrients than you likely normally would by eating solid foods.

Happy Juicing!

Follow Neka on her blog too!

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